понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

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I donapos;t get it. Maybe Iapos;m stupid or defective or maybe Iapos;m the only sane person on the planet. What is so great about celebrities lives? Why do I care that everybody thinks Lindsey Lohan is anorexic? Why do I care about whoapos;s fucking who and whoapos;s getting breaking up? It doesnapos;t affect me at all. Well in a way it does. Iapos;m fucking pissed off at whoever signed me up for that shitty magazine. Why should I care about those people who couldnapos;t care less about me? Some "celebrities" are major assholes. They donapos;t do anything good for this world. Some donapos;t try to help other people and only care about themselves. What kind of lesson is that teaching todayapos;s youth? Itapos;s teaching them to grow up and be a shallow bitch.

Thank flying fuck that not all celebrities are like that. There are those few who donapos;t care about the money theyapos;re making and who actually do something instead of just donating money. I talk about Green Day a lot but who were oneapos;s who took time out of their busy lives to help other people personally by helping them rebuild their towns after all those hurricanes? Thatapos;s something you donapos;t see many celebrities doing. What about their NRDC videos? The fact that they made songs to help raise money to HELP PEOPLE. Despite what you may think that isnapos;t the same as just donating money. It takes 5 seconds to give money to someone but recording a song takes time. You have to get it just right, ya know? You take your own money to make it and then you use the money you make to donate. [See: Working Class Hero, The Saints Are Coming]

People can be selfish, me included. At least Iapos;m TRYING to help. A lot of pollution is caused by factory farms and raising animals. If you donapos;t eat meat, youapos;re not supporting that pollution. Thatapos;s why meat isnapos;t green. That still bugs me. -_-

Iapos;m not just a "kid" whoapos;s all about breaking rules and having fun. Sure I break a lot of rules to get where I want and Iapos;m all for fun but Iapos;m learning that life is so much more than that.

Life isnapos;t about looking your best and being number one.
Life isnapos;t about Hollywood and stuck up bitches who think theyapos;re all that and a can of diet coke.
There are a lot more important things than vanity.
Geez, and people call me immature

Something else that Iapos;m stupid and defective about is relationships. Everybody is so obsessed with finding someone. Itapos;s always boys, boys, boys or girls, girls, girls. Again, there are way more important things in life. It might be nice to have someone but why is it so important and always on your mind? Itapos;s pathetic, actually.

I just donapos;t get it.

Dude, play Shoots And Ladders by Korn and Faggot by Mindless Self Indulgence at the same time. It would make for a kickass remix. I need some skillz, yo.

Title= Irresponsible Hate Anthem by Marilyn Manson.

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...exciting, hug-ful, EDWARD, musical, delicious, breathtaking, terrifying, hilarious, fun, mostly-sober, relaxing, randomly awkward, long, and just chill. THANK YOU ALVIN :)

Jaime made me drive on the way down. Stupid traffic. =T Pretended we lived in Mikeapos;s apartment community and went to a free community BBQ for lunch. Lmfao. Iapos;m Jaimeapos;s GPS system. :P Lmao-ed when we found out Ouwen and Alice somehow ended up driving down to Mexico the night before...theyapos;d apparently missed SD *and* the "last US exit" sign...LOL Alice was freaking out, but the black guy was nice and let them back into the US. ROFL. Sat around waiting for directions, and I finished my MMs while trying to figure out what I was doing. Ever-changing plans. =T Packed 6 of us into someoneapos;s Camry...gg everyone had Camrys. O.O But yeahh...Iapos;m always the one ducking down, and this time I was just sitting on the raised footrest thing for the middle backseat, until my butt slipped off, and I was crammed into the place behind the passenger seat, where I couldnapos;t see out of the windows. So there was no worry about cops, cos they wouldnapos;t even be able to see the top of my head. -__-

Dropped me off on a random street corner in ERC. Well, it was more like the side of the road with a shuttle stop. Anyways, Diana came to get me. Yay Diana :D Haha gossip gossip show-and-tell. Thanks for the apple juice. :) Oogled over my trashy girly magazine. Met Mike Helped them write out a grocery list, complete with illustrations. ^^

Alvin came to pick me up before they even got started though, so I donapos;t know how their desserts turned out. But yeahhh. We went to Guitar Center and looked around before Alvin paid for his stuff. Goshies the keyboards T_T Need need NEED to play more...on something with 88 keys. Plastic fcks me over sooo badly. =/ But yeah, went back, and Alvin cooked us dinnerrrr :D Hahahah I was standing around feeling useless, so I hunted down and obliterated this fly that followed us in. Lmfao. Thank goodness for Windex. =X Dinner was SO GOOD. :D

After dinner, we went to the Cross. Frikken gorgeous up there. Omg. We could see all of SD...the ocean, the city lights...it was amazing And there were bunnies there too Reeeally cold though, so we left after a little bit. It was really dark on the way, and you could hella see all the stars in the sky. Goshies...just beautiful. Haha Alvin showed me around, and we drove through downtown La Jolla. Cute little place. ^^ Drove by the huge Mormon temple too...Alvin decided to try and get closer to it, which is when we almost drove into a one-way freeway exit...going the wrong way...hoooly shit that was scary. T_T But it figures it would be us, considering last time that happened, we were both the passengers. Bahahah. Memories. Anyways. It scared the living daylights outta both of us, and I was like hysterically laughing. >_> Mrf.

Stopped by Tap Ex and got a passionfruit green tea. Got back to Alvinapos;s, and then Jaime and them called me to say they were at Tap Ex. -__- And then they made us come out. LOL. Well they made me go and I dragged Alvin along. :P "Wanna go smoke some pot?" LMFAO. Priceless. Chilled there for a longass time. Played this game that was like BS, except with poker hands. And of course I didnapos;t know wtf I was doing, and I found Alvinapos;s phoneapos;s bubble game more interesting, so I was playing that, with other people telling me what to call. Lmfao there was like a good side of the table and a bad side...I listened to the good side so I ended up winning. HAHAH. Played mafia...apparently Ouwen drove us into Mexico, kicked me out of the car, and they never saw me again. :( It was revenge for me killing him off. =T Yeahhh eventually ran outta things to play, and it was late, so we bounced.

Got back to Alvinapos;s, and then went target-shooting outside his house. Lmfao his roommate was like "...be careful, guys. O.O" Goood shizz. :P Except I wasnapos;t strong enough to cock the gun. >_> Wahahah. Alky, guitaring, heart to hearts, and then eventually passed out. Rofl cocoon spooning. HAHA. Oh man.

Monica woke us up the next morning. T_T Eventually showered and got ready...then McDonaldapos;s The lady screwed up both me and Alvinapos;s orders, and we ordered separately too. =T I ended up *not* getting a happy meal, but then Alvin got a girlapos;s toy in his, so he gave that to me, so I technically did get a happy meal cos all I wanted was the toy. LOL. Ran into Daphne and her dad. La la la...walked back out to the car to find my sweatshirt sleeve hanging out the car door. Poor sweatshirt. >.<

Got to the gym and then ensued a day of lying around doing nothing. Loll. Manny taught me how to make straw stars Gotta get me some straws...they take so much longer to make than my poofy stars though. =T Much easier to fill a bottle with those. Haha. Long day...stuff was closed when we were going to get dinner, so no Red Robinapos;s this time. Long drive back...quiet...lots of thinking and reflection time. =T Came back and knocked the eff out. XD

Totally wanted to just go back to sleep today when I woke up. Ugh. Think think think. I always think too much. Gahh. Linguistics wasnapos;t too boring though. Gotta love that prof. :) Sat around and...stuff...and then night class. Short lecture, but loooongass movie. McNamara. Everyone like ran outta there when it was over. XD I ran into my armrest...my thighapos;s gonna have a big bruise there sometime in the next few days. *sigh*...came back and had chocolate pudding to satiate my randomass craving. =T And...I will sleep soon...I hope...
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My littlest brother is very upset with me today. Heapos;s decided that he doesnapos;t want to become an uncle, he just wants to be an Adam. He did ask what an uncle looked like and whether heapos;d still be the same colour if he became an uncle but in the end decided that he was happiest just being an Adam.

I�told my biggest little brother and heapos;s bagsied red and with a beard for when he becomes an uncle.. What colours/ features would choose for your transformation?

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воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

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Weekend gone already... But at least there are new sheets on the bed. It will be nice to slip into those this evening, if I werenapos;t so fricking cold. I laid an extra blanket down and just went in to check on MM. She is sweating under the covers??? i covered her with a lighter blanket. Weapos;ll see. I will check on her before I go to sleep.

I just ordered some gifts on line. That is always fun. I canapos;t do it at work... I canapos;t really do anything at work except work. I really need to concentrate. Shocking Work at work? Yes, if I want to each my goals I am going to HAVE to ace my metrics. And that means consistency too. And it also means my sales incentive trip to south beach. Oh and I want immortality.... But that is another story.

I got rickrolled today and I just laughed and let it play. I always liked Rick Astley.

I did not make to TJapos;s this weekend. We managed to make it to the mall and that was it. MM fell asleep in the stroller in Penneys. I found some cool stuff for stockings. Ahh that reminds me... (checking something on line)... Oh good, one more christmas gift off the list.

I am working on my shopping list for the week. It is hard to believe that our refrigerator is bare... Me? It is rare, that is for sure. I am trying to think of some ways to be creative with spinach. And I am looking in my cabinets going.... Ok, where are the staples? geez. I have to work on that. But I am committed (or I should be committed, ha ha) to go through the store with a list to replace things I know I will need soon or have run out of... Like cheese. How do you run out of cheese? taco cheese, cheese for spaghetti bakes... Crazy.

So I have to work on the cupboards and use what we have.... I will let you know how it goes... In the meantime, there are 16 cans of tuna... Just in case you were worried.

More tea, and I think a bowl of popcorn... And some football... That will work. Night all.

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Another perfect day, I got lucky this weekend with cool clear calm weather. This was another well organized race, on a gorgeous riverwalk path much of the way. I started out a little stiff but around mile 9 everything loosened up and I felt good the rest of the day. I passed tons of people in the second half and just had a blast. Not only did I finish my second marathon in 2 days, I was 10 minutes faster today on a slightly tougher course) 5:11:41 on the watch... I even ran the second half 3 minutes faster than the first Iapos;ve cooled down, eaten, stretched in a pool, sat in a hot tub, cleaned up, and am going to nap while John drives home... See you after I sleep for a couple days...

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

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2 more days, from now. Then our minds and souls can relax and be free
letapos;s work hard people.

to sister:
you have been working hard these days, yay :D lol. Im sure you will do well. Just dont panic and be your best. Remember to take sufficient and ample rest let your brain rest before the actual day, youapos;ll remember things better. Trust me :D jia you

to brother:
although iapos;ve not seen you study much, im sure youapos;ll do well too cause you are smart, hahaa and you will fulfil the criteria. Do your best on that day and the rest of the days :D jia you

to him:
i think u are studying? hahaha, i dont know. All i know is that i need to hear your voice for at least 10 minutes every night before i sleep. Do your best okay? show your daddy you can do it :D and your brother, your sister, your mama, and your whole family which is huge and big. Lol. Jia you

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Well, as you all know, I skipped school today like everyone else. I went hiking with my dad out at Emerson Point.

It was quite fun. I love wandering about out there. We saw a starfish, some weird fish, hermit crabs, fiddler crabs. Other crabs, and horseshoe crabs. My dad even saved three�horseshoe crabs�that were stuck out away from the water.�

Then we got a pizza and went to the dollar tree. I got a shirt to fix my black jeans with. But my dad�wouldnapos;t take me to the�craft store or the hardware store so I couldnapos;t get�supplies to work on my other projects.

*sigh* oh well. Iapos;ll have to start my puppet later on, I suppose. And my wings, too.�

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

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Hanna had her last fever last night around 5:30 and she had a couple more diarrheas last night before bed but today she seems her fine spunky self.
I decided last night after I brushed her teeth to officially night wean her. I told her after I brushed her teeth no more "monies" until tomorrow morning. She whined a little and cried a little but I thought she would cry really hard. I told her a few more times after she asked for monies or tried to lift my shirt that she is a big girl and doesnapos;t need monies at night anymore. I made the living room dark and turned on Supernatural and sat her on my lap. She asked to watch Care Bears and I told her weapos;re watching this and I rubbed her legs and her head. She whined a little asking for monies and she stuck in fingers in my bra. Next thing I know she is asleep. When Supernatural was almost over I laid her on the couch next to me and decided when she woke up I would go lay on the bed in her room with her. When I was ready to go to sleep she was still sound asleep so I left her on the couch. I fell asleep in our bedroom and I woke up a few times because I am so use to Hanna waking me up. I checked her a couple times and she had changed positions on the couch.
My alarm went off at 6:15 and she was still asleep out on the couch I got up at 6:45 and I went in the bathroom to brush my teeth and get dressed. I took my shirt off and next thing I know she comes in the bathroom and says "Hi mommy I want monies." She woke up in a happy mood and after I brushed my teeth I nursed her.
I hope tonight goes well with no nursing again.

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четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

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Iapos;ve started writing again

Itapos;s been a while since Iapos;ve had any good original ideas. The stupid and bad ones are always there, but they always seem like the cheep spinoffs Iapos;m always criticizing (Eragon, etc...) based on whatever Iapos;m reading at the time, and I toss them before they even get onto the paper. While I was waiting at the shop for my car, I outlined a world, the main characters, and the bare bones of a story, and while at work I fleshed out the story a bit more.

I wonapos;t be using it for NANOWRIMO, although I still might write something for it, but itapos;s there, and writing is a lovely way to spend all those extra daylight hours Iapos;ve been whining about.
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